Sunday, October 30, 2016

JK Happenings!

Good evening JK parents!

Our week was full of activity with miming stories the children dictated to me and then acted out as we all recited together.  It's a great exercise to encourage collaboration and imagination, along with music and movement.  Our Halloween theme allowed us to discuss our bones and skeletal system and make skeletons from our names, along with completing our upper and lower case "B" word lists and hunting for B's in all of our stories we read and places we walked around the school.
 Making lanterns to decorate for the season!  
 Spanish class had the children painting and talking about celebrations in Mexico and their significance to practices today.

 Our reading buddies came to our classroom again and read to their JK buddies and then all of the groups made pictures together.  Their conversations became more relaxed as they worked on creating something together.  

We ended the week with the festivities of our class party with centers of art projects and making paper chains and witch pictures, designing our own snacks, creating from cinnamon play doh, throwing balls to score in bozo buckets, and drinking a special punch (witch's brew) with dry ice. The older kids entertained us and were so wonderful as the class enjoyed games and activities upstairs for Carnival.

Thank you for all of your help and contributions to our party and for your time spent assisting the kids with their costumes and fun. The month of November will bring our theme of giving thanks as we jump into a season of talking about what we can do to make someone else's day happier. We are filling buckets each day with our actions and words.

Have a great week!