Sunday, March 14, 2021

 Hi JK Parents and Friends!  

Dr. Seuss Week 2, Wacky Wednesday and Spirit Week all at once!  

We had another wonderful mystery reader this week and Nathaniel was so excited to see his mommy!  They all guessed who it might be and it was so fun to see.  If you would like to be a mystery reader and the spots filled before you were able to sign up, just let me know a day that works for you at 9 am Tuesday-Friday! 

Look at all of the books JK is reading!  The cats hat is growing and growing!!

Wacky wacky Wednesday!!!


We read the Rr book and hunted for Rr's this week and made a list of "Rr" words.  Be sure as your children are telling you which sounds letters make they are not adding an "a" or "u" after the letter sound.  For instance, Rr makes the rrrrrrr sound not the ru sound.  It's a slight differentiation but makes a big difference when they are decoding words.  

Green Eggs and Ham was a hit by everyone, as Dr. Glader read to us!  We made scrambled green eggs and ham/vegetarian ham, and celebrated "Sam" and Dr. Seuss.  


We read The Big Brag, and Yertle the Turtle.   Each story provides such amazing talking points!  The children also designed tall towers and learned about skyscrapers and the engineering of them.  Wyatt, Leela, Ajay and Jayden had some tall towers, maxing out at 24 inches tall!  They all used different building materials of their choice.  Other towers were super strong, incredibly creative, or made from dinosaurs and very difficult to stack high lol.  They love Brain Pop and always ace the quizzes.  They all colored, cut and stacked turtles and even named them for Yertle the Turtle crafts.  

We "Wrote the Room" as the children traced and then wrote the Dr. Seuss character names using the correct letter formation.  They colored the characters too.  

What a beautiful week to play outside!  Everyone was laughing and having fun running and climbing and just being the sweetest JKers!  

Math & Science:

We talked about the properties of eggs and how they change from a liquid to a semi solid as they are cooked.  Whipped cream is the same.  We counted as we made one egg for each child, and again revisited what a dozen means.  Some of them are getting quite good at cracking eggs!  

We all practiced counting by ones, tens and fives, as well as writing those tricky teen numbers!

Fine Motor:

We worked on the auction project with Mr. Matt in art class.  The children had free drawing to create pictures of things they would see in the garden and each child took turns painting their fingerprints and turning them into lady bugs, bumble bees, flowers, suns, etc. on the plant stand that looks like a ferris wheel.  It will be up for auction for JK parents, grandparents and friends to bid!  Thank you to our class parent, Ling Adams, Benjamin's mommy, for providing such an amazing idea and the materials.  She even painted the Roycemore Griffin onto the stand.  Emily Holdway, Jayden's mommy, was also busy helping Roycemore as we addressed envelopes for auction and then made a surprise appearance at the park.  We can't wait to have parents back at school!  

Wacky Wednesday was amazing!  Our classroom was definitely wacky!  We read Wacky Wednesday and counted all of the wacky things in the pictures.  Upside down and all kinds of fun friends hanging around our classroom greeted us, and even a gumball in our desks!  We read the Lorax and talked about how we can keep the water from getting "smeary".  We played in the park and were finally allowed on the equipment using sanitizer lots.  It felt almost normal.  

So, Dinosaurs are much more difficult to build a tower!  Just imagine using turtles as in Yertle the Turtle!

Measuring his winning tower!  Go Wyatt!

Spying two good friends (Benjamin and Leela) chatting at recess while I'm in the classroom preparing.  I love watching them play and laugh even when I'm not outside with them.  :). 

Have a lovely Sunday!

Ms. Massey