Monday, February 12, 2018

Good Afternoon JK Parents!

This week has been lovely as we have shown our school spirit by dressing up according to our theme of the day.  Our class has had such a fun-filled time celebrating each day.  I mean, who doesn't love wearing PJ's to school?!

Centers this week:

Language Arts:
We have read such fun books, including:  Amelia Bedelia's First Day of School, Ms. Bindergartens 100th Day of Kindergarten, Pajama Party, I don't Wanna Go!, There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose, Honey, I love, The Day it Rained Hearts, Queen of Hearts, Color Dance, Tar Beach, Creepy Carrots, Pete the Cat's Groovy Guide to Love.  We practiced our sight (popcorn, high frequency) words with pieces of popcorn in our turn and talk exercise.  We practiced sounds at the beginning of words while we read our morning message and looked around the classroom while playing "Eye Spy" for words that begin with a particular sound.  We practiced our zoo phonics and danced to the letter sound song.

The children completed a name book where they practiced writing, saying and spelling their name in various ways, including cutting out each letter for letter boxes.  Every child is encouraged to continue working on their tripod hold and letter formation, as it's less natural to start in the "air" on the page so must constantly fight that urge to begin on the line by encouraging children to start from the top when writing their letters.  It is an every single time they write struggle, so please assist me when you see them beginning to write their letters from the bottom.

The children played our rainbow rug game where we sequentially count to 100 around the circle. The children love anticipating their number as well as assisting friends for the tricky teen numbers and at each new tens number.  We are also practicing counting by tens.  We played number bingo and all practiced writing our numbers on the white board.  We discussed numbers and which is higher, lower, bigger and smaller.  We begin counting at different random numbers to break up the sing song and work on the actual one-to one correspondence of the number sequence.

We are discussing the science of icicles, and will continue to study ice and snow for the next couple of weeks, along with Black History Month and Caring and Sharing for Valentine's Day.

Fine Arts:
The children have been busy creating all kinds of Valentine pictures, making beaded bracelets, coloring with pastels and water colors, cutting out different shapes for Valentines, and using stamps to create collages.

Please be thinking about your items for the 100th day of school next week.  There will be no school this friday for parent teacher conferences as well as no school Monday for President's Day.  I look forward to discussing your child's progress as we meet for our conference!

Ms. Massey