Signs of Spring are showing themselves all over our neighborhoods!
Happy Friday!
Following are a couple of links for some Spring Break ideas. I will update blog and continue to add to it periodically throughout the break so check back for more. Not all of these can be done now while we are social distancing and at home, but most can be modified! I love the puppet theater! There are so many things on line but sometimes it's just overwhelming. It's nice to narrow it down and concentrate on the theme and I think that helps.
Minute to Win it Games!
There are many virtual field trips. I like the guided ones and not just the answering questions responsive ones, but you will have to see which your children prefer.
Check out the Student Art Galleries for Ms. Stein's Art Challenges. If you have time over Spring Break continue with these challenges and send Ms.Stein your images so she can add them to the Galleries. You can submit artwork multiple times!
Here is a Ms. Stein's Spring Break Art Challenge for you to try:
If you have any questions or are looking for art ideas over Spring Break let
Ms. Stein know; she is more than happy to help.
In the meantime check out Ms.Stein's Instagram page for more Art Challenges over the break.
Feel free to search for "sh" words. Make a list of "sh" words.
Practice recognizing and writing sight words. You can even have them make their own flash cards from index cards and decorate.
They can show you our movement to that when we say (for instance)
"S-H-E-SHE-POPCORN!" beginning with our feet, then knees, then middle then shoulders then jump up.
Make a writing center new by having them cut pictures from a magazine or cut out popcorn words to make a collage. (Ethan reminded me of this fun idea this week!) .
Put shaving cream on a cookie sheet and have them practice writing words with their finger. This gets their hands so clean and smells so good!
This is a great time to begin a collection. There are pen pals from different countries available through educational sites if that holds an interest. I love the thought of making their world's bigger while the space they can use is small. Try looking and connecting to other countries and learning about things that are completely foreign.
Music and Movement:
If you have Alexa, try animal workout! If not, try another Cosmic Kids Yoga-to the Gruffalo!
Mrs. Dinelli!
Click to Download
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Growing Things continued!
Have a lovely break and keep in touch!
It is going to be rainy for days ahead. Just one more day and then we are on Spring break for two weeks. Typically, we would all be looking forward to a break and maybe even a trip to visit somewhere warmer or someone special, but this year I am wishing Spring break was already over and we were all back at school. Please keep in touch with me and let me know how you are doing. Lila and Charlie love seeing your photos and videos too!
Growing an avocado! My friend has one in her living room her son started years ago, and it's over 5' tall now! Keep the growing things going.
We love Khan Academy and IXL for Math fun! Try those if you get a chance.
Write your name and pretend you are Ms. Massey and practice what you are amazing at doing and the things that are really challenging for you! I know you can do it all! Start at the top and leave a finger space between your first and last name! You can even add your middle name. Practice writing things you see. Sound them out and use "Stretchy Snake" to get all of the letter sounds. Even if you get the first and last sounds in a word it's great!
Do you remember our morning meeting and all of the things that we do? Attendance-count the people (and animals) in your house. Line up your stuffed animals and count them too! Sing the weather song, pretend you are doing calendar or make your own calendar. Talk about your schedule for the day. Sing the Spring song and the March Song! Here they are:
We can start practicing the April song soon. Read a story to someone, and practice rhyming words. Say your thankful poem and tell everyone what your are thankful for. I am thankful for you!
There are many things we're thankful for,
You can find them near and far,
There are many things we're thankful for,
Here are some of what they are!
I will be adding more things today, but feel free to go through all of the days below and see what you might want to do or watch or try, or try again. Have fun and be kind to each other. I miss you!
Ms. Massey
Music and Movement:
30 minutes of Spring Music and Movement!
A link from Ms. Stein!
Sharing Photos!
Tony Cragg inspired Found Art Figures Challenge #1
Tony Cragg inspired Found Art Figures Challenge #1 J3ShGxtrygScFt7H6
Art Challenge #3
Art Challenge #3
Ezra and Aviv have been busy learning about plants! Aviv will be ready for Roycemore soon! :)
Math and Science:
Plant Life Cycle Video:
Bill Nye Plant Video:
See if you can cut out each stage in the life cycle of a plant and put them in order. Print twice and you can cut them out to play a memory game.
Literacy/Read Aloud:
Spring/Growing Things!
Try this one today for a bit of exercise! Lila and I are struggling to find fun activities to do that don't involve team sports!
Sanaya's Art Challenge!
Arlo's Indoor Flower Garden!
Have you found lots of letter "Ss" items? We put letter "Cc" things in letter jail that make the "Ss" sound. Ceiling, cement..
We are continuing our "Growing Things" theme this week and practicing writing and finding things that begin with the letter "Ss".
If your child is interested in building their rainbow from home, they can color a rainbow and cut out each arch. Beginning with the red one, and adding to until they reach violet, they can build their rainbow for each time they are showing you great listening skills, or being a kind friend, or helping you. Charlie will send a message just for them, each time they build their entire rainbow.
Science, Math, Literacy:
If you are lucky enough to have some extra celery or some celery that is too wilted to eat, (or can find some leafy stalks of any kind) try this experiment to help the children learn the science of absorbing water and how the plant administers water throughout to keep it healthy and thriving. I love using different colors to make a rainbow.
If you have vegetables that have the roots and top leaves still on them these are great to discuss the parts of a plant we eat, sometimes the root, sometimes the leaves, and sometimes both.
I love this story to introduce the idea of different parts of a plant and how we use them.
Tops and Bottoms
Fun facts about fruits and vegetables:
Have them guess and then explain the characteristics of a fruit vs. a vegetable.
I like to cook with them during this theme and use The Sneaky Chef cookbook to make delicious things with amazing ingredients hidden inside. When they help with the cooking, the food always seems to taste better! Brownies full of nutrients, and meatballs full of vegetables.
Make a list of "letter s" things, and also a list of "letter c" items that make the "Ss" sound.
Choose a math game to play together. If you have cards, play a few games of "War" and have them tell you which card is higher. It's fun and easy! Have them identify the 6's vs. the 9's.
Write a letter to someone and ask them what their favorite vegetables and fruits are. I would love see them learn to write the address and the return address, along with the correct placement of a stamp. We can still practice social distancing by mailing letters and bringing back the art of handwritten correspondence.
Fine Motor:
Art Challenge #2 From Ms. Stein: (If any issues opening please let me know-so sorry, just lots to figure out best way) . Cut and paste this link into browser.
Try some guided drawings to create some Spring flowers!
It is snowing as I write this, and spend some time reflecting on the school year and the multiple tasks and activities I have yet to teach them. Let's hope we are back in time to enjoy our ant farm or I will have to video that from home.
Make some play dough and create some flowers and other plants out of it. Add some pumpkin spice to make it smell yummy, or cinnamon, or vanilla extract. Let them help you measure the ingredients and talk about wet and dry ingredients and the difference in the measuring cups to use for each to get the exact amount.
This is our Spring Song we have been learning at school. It's short but still might drive you a bit crazy. :) . Click on listen and go to Spring Song! You can also listen to The March Song. We sing these each day in our morning meeting.
Mrs. N:
Click to Download
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Reading/Music-Mrs. Dinelli:
Have a great day and I will check in tomorrow.
Missing you all!
Ms. Massey
Social Emotional:
(which should ALWAYS be first! :) )
P.S. Dr. Glader says hello and asked us to pass this along. She's our school Social Work Consultant and is simply wonderful and is here to help should you need her! I think we all need her!
Hope you doing well.
Can you please let the kids in your class know I am available to have a phone, FaceTime, or Skype session with any of them?
More pics of your time away from Roycemore! Keep em coming.