Sunday, April 18, 2021

 Hi JK Parents and Friends!

Our Growing Things theme continues as we are seeing our seeds begin to sprout!  Eden and Ajay's were the first bean seeds to sprout, and Jayce's grass sprouted first.  It's so fun for them to see how easy it is to grow things.  Ajay said his sprouted first because he was talking to his plant.  :).  

We compared and contrasted living and non-living things.  We talked about exceptions to the rules of living things as well, as mushrooms don't need sunlight to grow!  


We practiced upper and lower case letter Tt's, and illustrated pictures to go with them.  We also populated a word list for Tt!  We go noodled our way through the week, with "Believer" being their most requested song, along with Super Hero.  Reading groups read stories to each other and we all worked on the wounds U, Y and W.  Some are learning Y as a vowel as well as making their way through Fry's 100 Sight Words.  

Math & Science

Some students are working on half, 1/3 and full comprehension, as well as even and odd numbers.  We read the story about Even Steven and Odd Todd :). We are comparing and measuring our plants in centimeters and finding blocks that click together to make the same length.  

We learned about perennials and annuals and categorized flowers.  The children made pinecone bird feeders using Crisco and Sunflower Seeds.  We took a nature walk to find places to hang them on the campus.  

We played number Bingo and talked about both the number called as well as the reverse/inverted number.  We read Even Steven and Odd Todd and talked about even and odd numbers.  

Fine Motor

The children completed self portraits for April.  I cannot believe there is just one more before the end of the school year!  They used colored pencils as they studied their features in a mirror.  

Social Emotional

We used our Emotions Poster and talked about how each child was feeling.  It's nice to hear that some worries are shared by others.  We talked about emotions like jealousy, hopefulness, anger, and many others, and role played some different scenarios about emotions and how to make ourselves feel better and ways to share joy.  


We painted pine cones with Mr. Matt that we are hanging on the tree outside the playground to decorate the school grounds.  Look for more fun and colorful projects around the school-outside!  It's a pine-cone kind of week.  :)


In French Class the children heard the story of the tortoise and the hare and practiced numbers and colors through game play.   I love hearing their sweet voices count in French!  

Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Massey