What a wonderful November. I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is next week!
We have had a busy week discussing and holding our own election. We voted on our favorite zoo animal, favorite bird and favorite wild animal. Giraffe, flamingo and fox won for the class favorites! We learned about our first and sixteenth presidents, and how old you have to be to run for president as well as vote. Some guesses for the ages you need to be were 105, 16, 155, and 64. I also interviewed each child to ask them what they would do if they were president.
"I would get paid lots of money helping people do their chores! I am already making lots of money helping my brother do his!" They all said they would help people and give people money and food. They also said they would be the ruler of the world!
We played a math number game while counting turkey feathers and writing them with dry erase markers. We also practiced our teen and 20's numbers by creating a number line with Pilgrim Hats. The class began writing journal pages this week as well, and illustrated them.
This week in Spanish the class learned a color song in both Spanish and Sign Language about los colores de los arcoiris, the colors of the rainbow. We created un arbor de gracias, a tree of thanks. Each student determined what they were were thankful for having in their life, (odos los estudiantes). All the students said (in Spanish) what they were thankful for and added them to our leaves to make a classroom tree.
We began reading about the pilgrims and watched a short video about the journey from England to America, from the perspective of the Mayflower Mouse!
Our reading buddies came to read and color pictures with us, and helped us think of things for which we are thankful. The children ask daily when our reading buddies are coming, so I know they are really enjoying making friends in third grade!
Our "D" words were also a big topic of conversation, as we learned our "D" chant and hunted for items around the classroom and school that begin with the letter "D".
We are beginning our Thankful theme and will be talking about how we can be leaders in helping those we care about. Filling buckets by being kind to everyone, and helping out even when it might not be our mess to clean up.
We worked on writing numbers with our dry erase markers while playing a turkey feather counting game, and used a Pilgrim Hat number line to practice our teen and 10 numbers. We also began writing journal pages and illustrating them.
Our science experiment with Indian Corn is just beginning to show signs of change. We made a hypothesis about what would happen when submerged in water, and will record the results in our classroom journal.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Massey