Sunday, May 7, 2017

Hi JK Families!  

Our ants continue to mesmerize the JK class.  They have created quite an intricate tunnel system in their small ant farm.  We have made predictions and journaled their activities.   


Literacy:  The children have been working hard to implement reading strategies.  We use picture walks and eagle eye to find clues from the illustrations to decode words.  The popcorn words are becoming more familiar as we try to make sense of the many exceptions in the English Language.  We use stretchy snake to stretch out words as each sound is enunciated to find write or read the letters.  Our inventive spelling has improved and provides the children more freedom in writing story thoughts.  

Math & Science:  We have planted and watered our grass seeds and watched them grow.  They are so excited to see the process of growing things and proud of their daily care for their plants.  The April song was one of their favorites as each acted like a seed that finally grew into a May flower.  Our morning meetings are rich with stories about our school activities and how those relate to their activities at home.  I am always thrilled to hear they are sharing their knowledge with their families!  

Fine Motor:  JK has been working on Mother's Day illustrations they are so excited to share!  Just as our ants work together as a team to create their amazing tunnels, the students have been working together to create art in their group stories and illustrations.  They all created amazing observation drawings of the ant farm using colored pencils.  The different interpretations were amazing!  The observation drawings over the year demonstrate their improved attention to detail and documenting exactly what they see or what is most interesting and important to them.  We use KWL charts often and discuss what we Know, what we Want to know, and what we have Learned.  This guides our learning centers, providing materials and information that the students are interested in and about which they want to learn more.  

Social Emotional:  We have watched the Free to be You and Me movie over the course of the past week, and discussed our similarities and celebrated our differences.  The children loved the babies discussing how they knew they were either male or female, and how their stereotypes were completely opposite when generalizing girl or boy careers and activities.  We have studied kindness and the rewards received through giving and promoting kindness being contagious.  This video was one they enjoyed and had so much to share after watching!  Please view it when you have a moment.

Photos below are just a few out of many.  I'll be adding more once I consolidate from ipad, camera, and phones.  Have a wonderful Sunday!

Mrs. Massey

Writing and dictating to create stories!  
 Happy and smiling as each child receives individual attention to improve their skills in letter formation!
 Handwriting Without Tears in JK!
 Ipad technology to work on their math skills.
 Magna Tiles are just the beginning as the zoo comes to life for the animals!
 Cinco de Mayo Sombreros and Miracas!  They used their scissor skills, coloring and gluing with Ms. Korine.  
 Happy Birthday to Jane!  
Rhythm Sticks in music time in the classroom.