Hi JK Parents!
We have jumped into the incredible world of Dr. Seuss this week!
Literacy/Fine Motor:
We began our week reading the classic The Cat in the Hat, and writing about what we would do if Thing 1 and Thing 2 came to our house to play. JK made pictures and chose which "thing" they would want to be, and then completed a speech bubble from their "thing". I loved hearing of all of the adventures they would have if the little blue-haired things came to their house! a
Math & Science:
We played a "Roll and Write" game and practiced rolling dice and writing sight/popcorn words. They had fun charting the words and using small blocks to write. Smaller spaces encourage smaller scale words, so blocks to write words are terrific. We are making our way through Fry's 100 List of Sight Words.
Fine Motor:
The children played many games of "Art Studio" as they took turns being the buyer and choosing which painting to purchase (with the artist remaining anonymous until the purchase is made).
JK Bunnies colored and cut out Yertle the Turtle turtles, and created pyramids just like in the story. Many lessons to teach in this fun story, as Mack, the tiny turtle on the bottom, bears all of the weight for Yertle to see far and wide.
We are learning body parts and labeling them in French class and singing "Head, shoulders knees and toes" as we dance and motion to the music.
Have a lovely weekend!
Ms. Massey