Monday, September 25, 2017

Hi JK Parents and Friends!

This week was all about apples and Johnny Appleseed!  The children loved learning about the interesting man and his love for nature and animals.

We read many books about Johnny Appleseed and Apples (along with fall and making friends) including Big Red Apples, Apple Countdown, Welcome Fall, One Little Two, Little Three Little Apples, Star Inside, Brand New Pencils Brand New Books, Apples,  Friends at School, I am an Apple, The World of Johnny Appleseed, Apple Trees and Big Red Apple.  We practiced our handwriting and letter formation in our sign in books each day.  We also talked about letter sounds and are introducing stick versus curvy letters.  The children discovered the parts of an apple and during our reading of Star Inside, we discovered that each apple is a little house with no windows or doors and a star inside!

Math and Science:
We charted our apple tasting findings after taste-testing three different kinds of apples.  We used descriptive words and told stories about the different color apples.  We talked about what makes apples turn from green to red and the life-cycle of an apple tree.  The children simulated the growing process and each ended as huge apple trees with branches that stretched up to the sky!  We watched videos and discussed the seasons of the apple tree and the meaning of dormant.

We cooked applesauce in the classroom, measuring the ingredients and discussing more or less.  We used apples in story problems using them to demonstrate simple addition and subtraction.  The children were introduced to the - , + and = symbols as we wrote and added/subtracted our problems on the white board.

Fine Motor Skills:
We narrated stories about the apple books we read, illustrating pictures after reading.  The children wore Johnny appleseed hats while they played different apple related games.

Our self portrait painting will happen each month to demonstrate their growth through the school year, so is an ongoing center.  Once we finish 20 portraits for the entire class, it's time to begin again and paint one for the next month!

Language Arts/Social Studies:
We met with our 5th grade reading buddies, and each student shared with the JK students ways in which they are alike and different.  The children completed cards for each other or other art work after they found a place in the room to read with their buddies.

We will be finishing up our Apple theme and moving onto Farm Animals and Life on the Farm.  We might even have a special farmer visitor this week.

Have a great week!

Ms. Massey