Friday, February 22, 2019

Hi JK parents!

Group hug as we wish Mr. Liubin our best wishes and say goodbye!  We will miss her very much! 

 Working on blends and digraphs as we read through our RAZ books!  
 There are any different ways to express ourselves through art!  

We are studying the great artist, Pablo Picasso, this week.  We have watched videos and read stories about him, both fiction and non-fiction.  Their favorite so far has been, When Pigasso Met Mootisse.  We have been talking about dance as an art, and how dancers express themselves through dance and painters express themselves through painting.  (sculptors through sculpting etc.)  There are many different kinds of art-both fine arts and performing art.  We also looked at (photos of) Picasso's sculpture displayed in downtown Chicago and listened to each child's interpretation of what it is.

Fine Motor:
We made a class quilt this week with squares each child first colored using pastels then painted with water colors.  Each is unique and tells a story about the child.  I love collaborative projects we all work on together to combine as one group project! 

We decorated and cut out 100's to display with our 100 items in the museum.  We visited the museum and admired all of the Kindergarteners 100 items. 

Math & Science:
The children are counting their 100 day of school items and we are practicing grouping in 10's to count to 100.  We put them all together for our 100 Days Museum.  It's fun to share all of the items with the other classes! 

We set up different centers in the classroom and made patterns of items of 100.  Craft sticks and shapes were made into a fence, a train trick, "my mom!", a giraffe, and many other things!  They are incredibly creative! 

Our reading groups practiced blends and making word lists that begin with "ch" or "sh".  We all practiced our number formation writing and finger spacing as we write numbers.  We played a game with our zoo phonics and pointing to different beginning and ending sounds in words. 

We completed "Response to Reading" pages with our reading buddies and practiced our literacy skills as we got to know our third grade friends and enjoyed drawing and writing with them. 

We do not have school Friday, as we will have parent-teacher conferences.  Enjoy another long weekend!

Ms. Massey