We are all so excited for all of the amazing things we will do on our Winter break, we can barely contain ourselves!
We had our local celebrity :), Dr. Glader, read to us. The Invisible String taught the children about feeling love from all of our loved ones even when we cannot see them or be with them. The children asked if the invisible string would reach all the way to Missouri, and California, and a zillion other places we have friends and family. It's a wonderful story about how there's not ever anyone who is alone and how there is an invisible string that connects us to everyone we care for and love. Perfect right before our holiday break. Hoping my invisible string reaches you all and that you know we are all connected as part of this JK family!
Buddies getting to read together and become our mentors and friends is such a treat for us all!
We searched for different sounds in the room as we played eye spy and used our pointer and Zoo Phonics letters to identify each sound and letter. We read new stories about our Gingerbread friends as well as different holidays we all celebrate. We completed "Response to Reading" pages with our third grade reading buddies as they read to us and we read to them. The children used inventive spelling to sound out words to label their illustrations. Each time we meet the third graders have checked out library books to read with their buddy. It's so sweet to see their choices and how they really get to know their JK friend and their preferences.
The children illustrated pages in their journals about a Gingerbread boy, and sequenced all of the people and animals chasing him! I loved the four pigs chasing him drawn by one little boy. He included an entire family!
Math & Science:
The children decorated Gingerbread house cards with fruit loops and charted the different colors, then tallied up the numbers and practiced writing them. We have spent some time this week on those tricky teen numbers. Please start counting from 11 when practicing at home, as that's the tricky part for them now that they have mastered 1-10.
Fine Arts:
We decorated Gingerbread houses on paper with colorful gumdrops and candy canes. I provided the children with half of each house and they completed the other side. This is a fun activity as it provides them with a beginning and the rest is up to their imaginations! They all looked so different and some were symmetrical but all were creative and fun to design.
Our party is Friday so I'll add some photos then, but please join us from 9:30-10:30 am. We are excited to celebrate the season with you and sing a song or two!
Happy Holidays to you all!
With much love!
Ms. Massey