Friday, February 21, 2020

Hi JK Parents.

This week we practiced counting to 100 for the 100th day of school!

Re-Enrollment is due!

I wanted to check in with you regarding your plans for next school year. We certainly hope that your child will be joining us in Kindergarten! Just a reminder that the deadline to re-enroll is quickly approaching on March 2nd. It is my understanding from Amanda in the Admissions office that we have a lot of interest in the 2020/21 Kindergarten, and many students are applying for the class. We do not want your child to lose their spot, but if after March 2nd you have not re-enrolled, your child's spot will be given up to a new applicant. If you intend to re-enroll, please do so ASAP. Our Systems and Operations Coordinator, Tanise Robnett can assist you with enrollment questions at If there are specific reasons that you have not yet re-enrolled, please contact Amanda in Admissions at

Thank you so much!

Math and Science:
We are grouping sets of ten to practice counting to 100 by 10's.  In Math center we matched colored hats to the corresponding buttons as we counted and grouped and categorized.  We have been working on 3 D shapes and searching for things around the school that are cones, cylinders, cubes and spheres.  Ask the children if you can play baseball with a circle!  It helps them remember that if it's something we can hold and roll it's a sphere.

They all enjoyed showing their friends their 100 items as we counted and grouped.  We set up our museum in the Gross Motor Room and displayed them for everyone to see.  They take such pride in their items and loved talking about how they chose and counted them.  Happy 100 Days of Junior Kindergarten.  It has been lovely.

Fine Motor:
We completed our February self portraits with colored pencils.  The children are adding eye lashes, fingers, and details in their clothing and shoes.  It's amazing to see the progression from the beginning of the year.  Each feature signifies a more complex developmental level and awareness of self.  Ms. Wise has been helping us create our portraits this year and has our little artists progressing so well.  Between our classroom art and Ms. Stein's amazing art class, we are learning to create with many different materials and textures.

The children made calendars for March.  I cannot believe we are already there!  They peeled stickers and wrote Spring words after glueing shamrocks on their papers.

We used our rhythm sticks to tap, wave, draw, make letters, tap out syllables, repeat patterns, and make lots of noise!

We hunted for popcorn words in our stories.  We are working to read and decode without guessing when we know the beginning of a word but not the ending.  Stretchy snake and flippy dolphin are both strategies we are using.

Social Emotional:
We talked about what we wished we had 100 of, in celebration of the 100th day of school.  I was most intrigued by the "Lizard Car"!  Who doesn't wish for 100 Lizard Cars!  The children wrote and illustrated their wishes with marker and  used inventive spelling to label.  We are having fun talking about everything in terms of 100.  What is something you wouldn't want 100 of?  What will you look like when you are 100 years old?  I wish I had 100 more burst of energy per day!  And 100 more years to live!  LOL.

We celebrated one more birthday in JK!  Sanaya is 5!  Thank you for the Laugh Yoga fun and yummy treat.

Have a nice weekend!

Ms. Massey

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Hi JK Parents!

We are worked on our Inuit project and Valentine's Day preparations.  Scissor skills are amazing in this JK class! 

We have been introducing popcorn words and blends or digraphs at our morning meeting to practice each week.  This week we are working on the "sl" sound, when the letters together make a combined sound they are blends, and when the combined letters make a different sound all together they are digraphs (like "ch").

We have been assessing students and have learned that some of us are still learning the one to one correspondence, so practice moving cheerios with each number counted is amazing to develop this critical foundational skill.

Math & Science
We worked on our structures and predictions for our igloos.  The children were very close in making predictions and counting their finished igloos to compare.  We all worked on the tricky teens and 20's and practiced writing using white boards. 

We categorized candy hearts and graphed them according to color.  We practiced writing each number after adding up as we used the one to one correspondence by pushing each heart to a square as we counted. 

Fine Motor:
We played with clay as they rolled, twisted, cut and created.  I loved to see all of the creative sculptures.  We had candy canes, lollipops, houses, monsters, ducks, snakes, etc. 

We practiced sewing with string and sewing cards. 

The children decorated their Valentine's boxes by drawing the half of a heart shape and then cutting them out.  They clued and colored and peeled and stuck stickers.  They loved their creations and loved sharing Valentines with friends.  The party was such a fun time! 

Thank you so much to everyone for bringing in boxes and party supplies!  We made rice krispy treats and played the Richard Scary games as we passed out valentines and ate our fruit and other goodies.  We have leftover goldfish and popcorn for afternoon snacks and morning snack days when we need some carbs to get us through until lunch.  We sooo appreciate!  We played games and went around a circle to talk about each student's talents and what we love most about them.  The children loved hearing how their friends think about them!  Big smiles everywhere! 

Have a lovely week!

Ms. Massey