Hi JK parents!
We hopped through week two with great success, as we introduced a math center and counted candles and cupcakes and discussed the properties of more and less and practiced our numbers along with our negotiating skills. We continued our introduction to school as well as introduced our "All About Me" theme, with books like Sam's Science "I know We Fight Germs" by Kate Rowan, It's My Turn by David Bedford and Elaine Field, Ms. Nelson is Missing, Skippy Jon Jones and Class Action.
We welcomed Isra's mom to class to talk to the children about a special festival their family celebrates. They were interested to learn about the traditions and were able to see Isra's beautiful dress and hear about the holiday and the many ways it is celebrated across the world. Mason and Fiorella turned five this week! Show and tell was a success as well and I was impressed with the comfort level of the students who shared their toys with the class and answered questions with ease. It's the beginning of their public speaking abilities and truly builds their confidence each time they control the content and delivery of their words for an audience. We were very busy! Thank you all for visiting and please continue to contact me with sharing you would like to do with the class.
I spent time with each student practicing hand writing using "Handwriting Without Tears", and began assessing the students with Judy Wahl, our Gifted Coordinator. We painted and decorated our "Just Like Me" people as we discussed the many ways we are different and how important it is to celebrate the special qualities that make us unique. We will begin presenting our "All About Me" posters this week, as students learn more about each other and are able to find commonalities and interests to link each other together in more meaningful ways. Our rainbows have grown and become more colorful as students found many ways to show kindness and exhibit their empathy and compassion toward their classmates throughout the day.
Reminder: Picture day is Tuesday, September 13. The younger classes are typically called first so will do our best to keep them looking photo ready until then! I will continue to add photos so stay tuned as I juggle photos with everything else surrounding our school day! If you don't see your child they might have just been moving too quickly for me to catch before the next activity.

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