Welcome back from Spring Break!
I missed this class and was happy to see smiling faces back at school! We are jumping into spring and studying the life cycle of the frog, planting and blooming, tops bottoms and middle's of vegetables and which part (the root, flower, top etc.) we eat, along with many other plants coming to life this season.
Fine Motor: Cutting out birds and decorating with feathers, and building a nest for their home. The children loved choosing colorful feathers and carefully placing them on their birds. Their scissor skills continue to improve as they are able to cut careful and precise lines.
Math and Science: The children measured themselves and counted inches, comparing their height to that of the first of the year. We created a flower garden with flowers they painted to demonstrate their height with the stems of their flowers. Understanding who is taller, shorter, more inches, less inches, etc. is a great way to compare and contrast with something that is meaningful to them. We completed our April calendars and practice "riding the elevator to the top" to find the day of the week after finding the date.
Literacy: Reading groups have been making our way through the decodable books, as well as high frequency books and the leveled readers. The books that are easy for them to read or decipher based on pictures are great to begin any reading time, giving them confidence and warmed up for more challenging books. We have been working in pairs and small groups in the classroom to provide a variety of fun activities centered around literacy/language arts.
Writing: The students wrote books about seeds and the different stages in growing, writing common planting words and illustrating their books. We will be planting several different vegetables and documenting their growth in journals. If there are any of you with gardens or a green thumb that want to share any of your knowledge, we would love to have you.
We have a short week this week, as we are off on Friday for the holiday weekend, as well as Monday (for Professional Development for the teachers).
Enjoy this beautiful weather!
Mrs. Massey
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