Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Hi JK parents!

We have had a wonderful week of "Growing Things"! 
Fine Motor:
The children made pictures of sunflowers, coloring a foreground and background with pastels, gluing the parts of the flower, and then finishing by adding sunflower seeds to their pictures!  They labeled the parts of a plant and have been reading all kinds of fiction and non fiction books about gardening and growing things!

The children painted with sponge paints and experimented with mixing colors.

We began making their portfolio covers by using dot markers to decorate around their first initial.

We completed self portraits for April.  They are beautiful and amazing in their likeness to the artist!  I cannot believe we only have one more month of self portraits before they become Kindergarteners!!

We are hunting for popcorn words as we read.  We are also learning exceptions to rules and putting letters in "word jail" that do not follow the typical sounds we have learned.

The children made a chart about plants and separated what a plant needs, has and gives.  We charted our favorite vegetables and used tally marks to add up the class results!  We have been making patterns using our whole bodies, blocks, and different manipulatives.

We planted grass in clear cups so we can watch as the roots begin to grow down and the sprouts grow up!  We have been learning about all kinds of plants, including vegetables and fruits and their life cycles.  We are looking for signs of plants and Spring around our school.

We celebrated two birthdays this week, Anika and Niam!  We just have 3 five year olds left in JK!

We have been playing a game called "roll, read and write", as we practice counting the dice number and then writing the sight word that matches that number.  This is just one example of multidisciplinary centers as the children are counting, writing, practicing their letter sounds and sight word recognition, along with collaborating with friends.

 Snack outside is the best!  We love dining Al fresco!  

 We love making up stories and going on trips with friends!  
Have a great week!

Ms. Massey

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