This is the most important thing I might write all day:
Please don't feel like you need to try to replicate 6 hours of school each day. The kids are going to be great and are not going to be behind in any way. They won't, I promise. The 4 most important things you can do are as follows:
1. Read Aloud
2. Lunch w Learning (listen to podcasts-auditory learning away from a screen to allow their minds to paint the pictures)
3. Play Games
4. Spend time outside (even if it's cold and even if it's raining!)
Choice Activity Board
Here are a couple of videos from Mrs. Dinelli! I have more to send just figuring out best way for all. photos/0CDr1FIm- JVxZCrLWkbLQawsg
Choice Activity Board
Here are a couple of videos from Mrs. Dinelli! I have more to send just figuring out best way for all.
And....Happy Birthday to Alicia!!! We are sad to miss getting to celebrate with you, but are sending happy birthday wishes to you.
Handwriting Without Tears practice at home-Letter "Rr"
What a week. I am still trying to understand this new surreal world and embrace the gift of time we have been given at home. And, I will try not to eat my way through this month. :) . The refrigerator needs to have a time release lock. I am happy to have our JK family with whom to journey through this.
I loved seeing both pics and videos yesterday-and chatting with you throughout the day. (I will limit videos just for space reasons but keep sending it all!) . Please feel free to send any suggestions about our remote learning and anything that would be helpful! No pressure, just love seeing what you are doing and liking. It's more difficult to differentiate learning when it's remote, as our add ons and classroom activities allow for individual attention and assessment, but am hoping you are able to access and modify all of the different resources to make it best for you.
I am attaching a link from Ms. Stein for an art challenge (which she will be sending bi-weekly), a link from Ms. Hilda for a read aloud she will be posting each day, a song from Mrs. Dinelli (she is posting on her FB page so please find her there as well!), and a science experiment you can easily replicate at home with water, pepper and soap, and a video about plants. It's a bit advanced (the video on plants) but I am hoping they/you will pull something from it. Ask your children questions before the video about different plants. Is grass a plant? Is a tree a plant? Is the seed for a tree huge? Is an acorn a seed? Let them know it's typically a Kindergarten Video but Ms. Massey said they are smart enough to learn something from it and tell you about it after! And, she also said most JKers would get too wiggly to watch it but that your brains are so smart you would be able to sit through it since it's only the same amount of time as half of a Paw Patrol episode. :) .
After the video, ask your children what they learned and what they could teach you about plants. I would love to create a KWL chart if we were in the classroom. (K is what they already know, W stands for what they would like to learn, and L is what they learned after we have completed our study.) . Let me know what responses you receive or any particular areas of interest. My favorite plant is a ficus tree or a tulip. I wonder what their favorite plants are?
We are so busy at school and have so many people contributing to their learning, it's a bit overwhelming to include everyone's now that it's all taking place outside of our school. It's a great reminder of the incredibly enriching environment we have at Roycemore.
Madame's pre-school class website where you can find lots of songs for your child to sing along to-
Trotro-A favorite French cartoon-
Ms. Hilda Padlet Link:
Plant Video Link:
Art Link:
Experiment Link/Video-Ms. Massey
Please feel free to send along results from your scavenger hunt, activities from yesterday, and any questions about our week. Be sure to have them take time out to write and draw. And if you haven't tried Star Wars Yoga, it's a great physical break!
Ask your child if they would rather have 20 fingers or 20 toes and why. I love our question of the day on our morning message to prompt conversation. I miss hearing their creative ideas.
What an interesting way to teach. I want to facetime you all!
Activity Resource:
Activity Resource:
Math & Science:
I loved the experiment with pepper, water, soap and a finger. It's a great visual to remind us how easy it is to repel germs with simple soap.
I saw some great counting and categorizing from you and enjoyed seeing the Math games you played together this week.
There is no magic book or lesson that teaches children to read, but the combination of speech with symbols and pictures and communicating, and learning that those symbols stand for sounds, and put together they create words and words tell stories. The Dr. Seuss books we have been reading and checking out from the library are wonderful with all of the CVC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words. These are easy to sound out and unlike many sight words they follow the rules we have learned about letter sounds.
Continue to listen and watch the Zoo Phonics videos while doing the animal motions and making the sounds. I add the long vowel sounds as well since the videos only make the short vowel sound. The kids all know this, and will add them now themselves. Read with them, and look for blends and digraphs (so combined letters to make a sound, like "ch" or "sh". Or "ing"). This will help their fluency as they are reading. Talk about the beginning, middle and end of stories and the characters. Some of you have been asking about purchasing our RAZ (Reading A-Z) Books and the BOB books. I like keeping these special for school reading because it seems once they are available at home they lose their magic of reading groups at school. Any reading that you do is great and practicing on sounding out/decoding each word and not guessing is important. Holding an actual book and turning pages is important. For now, the public libraries are open. These are the reading strategies we use at school. Some are also working on the "rules" of words, ie if the word ends in an "e", the vowel sound is long as in "cone". This is still a big concept for 4-5 year olds regardless of their reading level.

Work on writing and illustrating books that have characters and give those characters meaning by talking about what qualities make them nice or fun or interesting. This is fun for them and makes me laugh. Ask them if they would be friends with these characters. Use the purple/green book to write a story. Make it appealing by giving the front cover the most colorful illustration and write what the title will be and your name. You are the author and the illustrator!
Should we all meet up online for a chat this next week? I would love to see and hear from you all.
Zoo Phonics have been fun for you to all dance to. "Who Let the Letters Out" remains a favorite. Thanks to Mrs. Dinelli for her fun songs and finger plays. Sing the "March Song" or ask your children to sing all of the months of the year songs we have learned. They love the Weather Song too.
Happy Primary Day as well.
We can take a virtual vote and tally the results. We typically talk about voting and vote on our favorite animal at this time. Feel free to send results and I will post.
Ms. Massey
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