Sunday, May 1, 2022

 Hi JK Parents!

What an amazing time we had at the auction!  Thank you for your donations!  Bidding is still open for the JK auction art.  There was only 1 bid last I checked…so log on to bidding for good and place bids before it ends today!  

Jerry Springer!  Our amazing auctioneer!  🎈


We learned about bees and ants this week, and compared their characteristics and habitats.  

Math & Science:

JK went on a scavenger hunt around the school to find insects and bugs.  The children learned to identify the different characteristics through observation and counting legs, studying the exoskeleton, looking for wings, antennae, etc.  

We taste tested honey and learned all about the process of making honey.  We tried fresh honey from a local bee keeper.  We used descriptive words to write about our taste test.  What's a bees favorite color?  How many eyes does a bee have?  How many stomachs?  Ask your children to teach you all about bees.  We experienced honeycombs from my bee keeper friend, and tried on hats worn by bee keepers to keep them safe.  We studied bees and their behaviours and read many non-fiction books about bees.  We each tried the smoker and blowing the fan to smoke the bees when extracting the honey.  We studied real honeycombs and used the brush to simulate brushing the bees away gently without hurting their bodies when harvesting honey from hives.  We practiced drawing hexagons just like we saw in the honeycombs!

In Math center the children worked in pairs to add equations after rolling dice and drawing lady bug spots to count and solve.  I love watching them work together in centers!  


We finished our Alpha Tales Zz book and continued our journals, writing descriptive labels for bean plants and grass sprouts.  We love writing group stories and adding traits to our characters and settings.  We love descriptive words and making stories more colorful.

We ventured outside to support race against hate and carried our signs and waved at cars as they passed by and honked.  The kids loved the reactions their messages received!  

Have a lovely Sunday!

Ms. Massey

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